I Ate the Moon

Late Night Sacrificial Ritual of Surrender

Anthony O'Dugan
3 min readNov 17, 2021


The Moon gave Herself to me again —
Tonight —
in all Her glory.

I basked as I bathed
in the bright of Her Light
as She wove tales of Her many phases.

Words fell like tired
Tulips spent cautiously to
the ground in search of notice.

Was I lost in Her magnetic fields of
or was it the soft amber of Her story?

Whatever the spell she cast upon me
Did it find true intent with purpose —

As I set forth to bid my Worship She
Pressed her lips to my ear and spoke:

Do you wish to dance with me tonight? Can I ease your woes and make everything alright? Will you walk in whatever Light I have, less than the Sun, but always Bright for you?

If Memory fails to succumb to
Skies, I best recall replying in trembling bravery:

