The World According to Duolingo

The lessons I’ve learned over 7 years using the app

Anthony O'Dugan
4 min readFeb 7, 2023


I’ve used the Duolingo app religiously for the past seven years. Here’s what I’ve learned in the order of my most proficient to least proficient languages (these observations were made as if my only knowledge of each culture were from the app alone):

Spanish speakers are obsessed with what time they get up to shower so that they can go to one of their father’s many houses on the beach.

¿A qué hora quieres despertarte y ducharte antes de ir a la tercera casa de papá?

German speakers are either preoccupied with tall elephants, nice dogs, smart daughters, cold schnitzels, or beer.

Meine Tochter ist sehr schlau, aber das Restaurant, in dem sie arbeitet, serviert kalte Schnitzel. Ich trinke mein Bier und starre auf den großen Elefanten, der von netten Hunden umgeben ist.

Japanese speakers, according to Duolingo, need only know about counting, colors (but only red, white, and blue), and things that are either dirty or teriyaki.

Kono yogoreta shiroi sushi ni teri-yaki o 3-teki onegaishimasu.

